Free Advice Disclaimer
In response to FAQ:

We advise that we make the offer of fee free advice as advertised per client:

• One fee free advice via an email reply to an online enquiry, at our discretion; or
• One fee free telephone advice of up to 20 minutes and you will not be charged any telephone fees; or
• One free consultation of up to 20 minutes at our offices.

Please note that we do not quote fees or give estimates for work to be completed over the telephone as you may appreciate a proper advice and evauation requires more consideration as per a thorough conference. We only provide quotes after conferences.


Website Disclaimer
The authors & publishers are not responsible for the results of any action on the basis of information in this website nor for any error or omission in or from it. The information on this site is not legal advice and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of legal counsel. These materials have been prepared for informational and advertising purposes only and are not intended to convey legal advice. Transmission of the information is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, a solicitor-client relationship between you and the firm. You should not act upon this information without seeking professional counsel. You should not send any confidential information to the firm until you have received written assurance that the firm will render legal services to you. The content of any correspondence you send via the Internet will not be considered confidential unless you have received such written confirmation.

We have taken care with what we have said on our website, but we have not attempted to give exhaustive statements of law or any opinions on specific legal issues. This site does not provide or offer legal or other advice. You should not rely on it as legal advice. We do not accept responsibility or liability to any person who does rely on the content of our website. We do not accept liability in connection with any other websites that may be linked to our website.

This site is for information purposes and is not an advertisement. It does not contain anything constituting a binding offer to perform any legal service in any jurisdiction.

By accessing this site you agree not send unsolicited emails for the purposes of advertising or market research to email addresses provided.

Any legal action to proceedings arising between you and Dom Velcic & Co. and in relation to this website is governed by Australian law and you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Australian courts.

You may not link to this site or frame it without the express permission of this firm. Please contact us to ask our permission.

Any user that accesses all or any part of this Web site agrees that such user is at least eighteen (18) years old and that such user has consented to the disclaimer and privacy policy of Dom Velcic & Co. (“Dom Velcic & Co.” or “we”). Each time a user accesses our Web site, our disclaimer and privacy policy should be reviewed because we reserve the right to change them from time to time.

Dom Velcic & Co. presents the materials and information contained in this Web site for informational purposes only and they do not constitute advertising, a solicitation or legal advice. The materials are not represented to be correct, complete or up-to-date. Accordingly, you should not act or rely on any information in this Web site without seeking the advice of an attorney licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction.

The materials contained in this Web site do not create and are not intended to create an attorney-client relationship between you and Dom Velcic & Co.. Dom Velcic & Co. accepts clients only in accordance with certain internal procedures. DO NOT SEND US CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION unless you have express authorization from one of our attorneys to send us such information.

Dom Velcic & Co. makes no representations or warranties regarding the suitability for any purpose of, the accuracy, the completeness, or the timeliness of any information provided in this Web site. Dom Velcic & Co. shall have no liability with respect to the information provided or any user’s use of the information provided on this Web site or any faults, interruptions or delays in providing the information or any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the information. DOM VELCIC & CO. HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT.

Any and all links to other Web sites contained in this Web site are provided for the convenience of those who wish to access other Web sites quickly and efficiently. Dom Velcic & Co. is not responsible for and does not endorse or make any representations whatsoever regarding the contents, completeness, accuracy or timeliness of any information provided on any other Web sites or provider(s) of any information contained on any Web sites that link to this Web site.

Online Enquiries Disclaimer
Conditions of Use and Disclaimer

By using our free Online Enquiry service you agree to be bound by the following conditions and you agree that Dom Velcic & Co has complete and absolute discretion in determining its contact with you. By using our services you agree to indemnify Dom Velcic & Co in relation to any claim that may arise from using the information, advice or guidance contained herein in any way.

Full and proper instructions are needed from you before we provide proper advice you can rely upon or make use of. This occurs when you retain our services and we take those full and proper instructions from you. The information contained in this response to your enquiry is initial limited guidance and should not be used as a substitute for proper and complete instructions being taken by Dom Velcic & Co. The authors & publishers are not responsible for the results of any action or use of information in this response to your online enquiry or for any error or omission in or from it.

You agree that the information provided is dependent on the information you have provided. We are not responsible for any error, omission or misunderstanding on your behalf. Dom Velcic & Co recommends you seek proper specific assistance for your problem with a qualified person at our office at which time full and proper instructions can be given.

This response does not constitute legal advice and does not create a solicitor-client relationship between you and Dom Velcic & Co.

In the event that you decide to rely on the email advice provided, Dom Velcic & Co cannot be held responsible. By using the Dom Velcic & Co Online Enquiry and information in our web site, you are agreeing that Dom Velcic & Co is not responsible for:

• the accuracy or currency of any information provided on or omitted online through its website or online advice
• any use of the information provided,
• any person’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction with any lawyer, whether relating to the lawyer’s capability, conscientiousness or quality of service
• the failure or refusal of our office to respond or consult to you.


Privacy Statement

When you visit our website our web server service provider makes a record of your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes. A cookie is an electronic token that is passed to your browser and your browser passes it back to the server whenever a page is sent to you. Our server generates one cookie which is used to keep track of the pages you have accessed while using our server. The cookie allows you to page back and forwards through the web site and return to pages you have already visited. The cookie exists only for the time you are accessing our server. The Dom Velcic & Co. and database uses cookies to store the set of databases that a user has selected. Cookies are not used for any other purpose at this site. We do not use cookies to collect personal information.

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No attempt will be made to identify you or your browsing activities except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect webhost’s logs.


Liability limited by the Solicitors Scheme, approved under the Professional Standards Legislation